Teaching Public Speaking Skills To Kids 5. November 2015 Administrator Blog, Kids Activities (0) Public speaking skills are an important aspect of any profession nowadays as one may need to give presentations or deliver briefings. Thus, it is important to be able to speak confidently in public and express their views efficiently. The art of public speaking must be inculcated in kids from a very young age. Starting early will help your child develop confidence and excellent communication strategies that will help him in his life later on.Following are some tips for parents and teachers on how they can teach public speaking skills to their kids.Make it a fun activity: Presenting public speaking as an important or fearful task can discourage children. Instead, try to develop it as a fun activity for them. This will not only help them develop the requisite skills but also keep the fear of public speaking at bay. For instance, you can start out by giving them an interesting topic to speak on or organize enjoyable activities like an extempore etc.Practice: Developing good speaking skills requires a lot of practice and consistent efforts. You must persuade your children to listen to some of the great speeches of all times. The speeches should be chosen according to the age of the child and how much he can comprehend. Sit with him and note down the points that you both find important. Afterwards, incorporate the positive aspects whenever you prepare him for public speaking.Encourage your child to participate in educational fairs: Educational fairs offer a great opportunity for children to become better public speakers. They have to present their projects and explain it in detail to a formal audience comprising of adults. This will encourage your child to speak confidently in front of a large audience.Enroll your child in dramatic arts: There are a number of kids clubs that offer drama classes for children. Enrolling your child in one of such classes can greatly help him in learning attributes like managing stage fright, memorizing particular things and voice projection etc. Teachers in drama classes must also encourage kids so as to develop their confidence. Limit Audiences: When the kids are ready to give their first speech, let them speak in front of a small group of people initially. You can increase the audience over a period of time as they start to build up more confidence. Also, you should refrain from pointing out the flaws in front of everyone. We, at Boys & Girls Clubs Of Central Texas, can help to inculcate public speaking skills in your child. We offer various character and leadership activities for kids up to the age of 18 years. For more information, you can call us at (254) 699 – 5808 or visit the club at 304 W Ave B, Killeen, TX – 76541.