Great Futures Start Here

Boys And Girls Clubs Help In launching Your kid’s Career

Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas boost all its club members to visualize their future and take definite actions to accomplish their goals. Starting at age 6, the kids who are the members of Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas learn that the higher education can assist them to achieve their career goals. They become well aware that if they dare to dream, then there is an educational track that can lead them where they desire to go. These clubs align their ambitions of becoming an astronaut, teacher, accountant, doctor, computer specialist, lawyer, sport players, musician, singer and other occupations with the next steps to turn it into a reality. Teens at these clubs travel to places of higher education as well as technical schools to help ascertain which track is best for them. 

Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas tend to reinforce and improve the skills and knowledge that young people acquire at school by organizing "high yield" learning activities at the Club. This scheme exhibits that fun and various academically beneficial activities boost up the kid's academic performance. Such activities comprise of leisure reading, homework assistance, writing and playing games, which in turn develop youth's cognitive skills. 

Young people at these clubs take part in career development activities and community service. They understand how to build good customer service skills as they set out their journeys as human service professionals. 

The members of the Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas attain useful experience and or training in how to chart their future course of employment. They also understand how to cope with troubles pertaining to their jobs or job searches. All the programs in these clubs foster leadership and interpersonal skills, and teach kids how to deal with conflict resolution, set priorities and overcome obstructions to employment. 

How can Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas Assist You?  

We at Boys and Girls Clubs Of Central Texas strive to help our members in the following fields:

  • Career information.
  • Career Planning.
  • Recognizing further study alternatives. 
  • Mentoring. 
  • Career prospects of performance management. 
  • Coaching and counseling. 
  • Vocational assessments. 
  • Career and life management skills such as networking, assertiveness, negotiation and decision making. 

Contact us today at 254-699-5808 to enroll your kids in our various career development programs. 

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